How to Change the World Even When it’s Falling Apart.

Alyssa Ramella
3 min readJun 4, 2020

The new economy after Quarantine 2020.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

One day we will be able to go out to a bar again and have a drink with our friends without a care in the world. We may look back at this time and make jokes, but everyone is going to ask you, what did you do during that time?

So, ask yourself now, what have you done so far?

Maybe you were working remotely, maybe spending the time with your family, perhaps you have had some extremely bad luck during this time and I am deeply sorry. I hope that you find your way back onto your feet and I open my inbox to support you in anyway I can.

I think, regardless, everyone is a little guilty of spending a lot of time online, scrolling through articles and social media, I know I am.

I’m not here to make you feel bad about the things you didn’t do, but I’m here to point out the one thing you could do now.

What do we call all that information we were consuming online?

Creatives would call it content.

What is content?

Content is anything I put out onto a media platform for others to consume. This is content. The article above and under mine is content. Your Aunt Karen’s Facebook post is content. Tweets are content. Instagram posts? Yup, you got it, content.

If it’s upsetting your Aunt Karen’s ignorant Facebook posts make up more content than you’ve produced this month, it should be.

Why is it important?

Because what do we do all day? When we aren’t doing the things we are actually suppose to do, we are consuming it. We scroll through social media. I read articles on medium. It’s the TikTok video your child is watching. It is what we are consuming everyday, all the time and we have no idea.

Content is literally running our daily lives. The content we are exposed to shapes our political views, who we are friends with, and who we aspire to be. It is molding society day in and day out.

So, what do we do about it?

We start making it. Take a look around, we are entering the content economy. Whoever is putting out the content that’s gaining the most attention is probably also making the most money. People think Instagram Influencers are silly, but they are the ones your kids are looking up to. They are molding society. If you want to be a part of changing something and impacting other people, look in the mirror and ask: What are you good at? What do you love?

1.Write a list of all the things you are good at and the things you love.

2. Make content around those things on the list.

And that’s it. You have probably made at least 1 persons life better. Whether that’s with a new skill, piece of information, or a good laugh.

Content is changing the way we interact in society and you can be apart of it.



Alyssa Ramella

Product Marketer. Personal Trainer. Excited about new technologies changing the world.